Minutes - Business Committee

Meeting Venue:


Meeting date: 15 February 2022

Meeting time: 09.02 - 09.55







Committee Members:

Elin Jones MS, Llywydd (Chair)

Lesley Griffiths MS

Darren Millar MS

Siân Gwenllian MS

Committee Staff:

Graeme Francis (Clerk)

Yan Thomas (Clerk)

Others in attendance

Jane Dodds MS

David Rees MS, Deputy Presiding Officer

Manon Antoniazzi, Chief Executive and Clerk

Siwan Davies, Director of Senedd Business

Siân Wilkins, Head of Chamber and Committee Service

Julian Luke, Head of Policy and Legislation Committee Service, Head of Policy and Legislation Committee Service

Helen Carey, Welsh Government



1       Introductions, apologies and substitutions

The Llywydd welcomed Members to the meeting.



2       Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed for publication.



3       Organisation of Business



3.1   This Week's Business



Business Committee agreed that the Llywydd will lead tributes to Aled Roberts at the beginning of Plenary on Tuesday with the First Minister and party representatives called to make contributions.







3.2   Three week timetable of Government Business

The Trefnydd drew Business Committee’s attention to the following changes:


Tuesday 1 March 2022 -


Tuesday 8 March 2022 –




3.3   Three week timetable of Senedd Business

Business Committee agreed to schedule the following items of business:


Wednesday 2 March 2022 –



Wednesday 9 March 2022 –



Wednesday 16 March 2022 –




Plenary format

Business Committee discussed the arrangements for Plenary meetings after the February half-term recess and considered an updated Risk Assessment. Having considered the views of party groups and measures to mitigate risks, the Llywydd determined that from 1 March all 60 Members could attend the Siambr in person at any time. This was in line with the First Minister’s indication of a relaxation of a number of other restrictions at the end of February. Virtual participation and electronic voting would continue so that Members could continue to participate remotely.

Business Committee agreed that Members would be strongly advised to wear face masks in the Chamber except when making a contribution. The Llywydd asked that Members were made aware that was her expectation. All Members should also take a lateral flow test before attending in person.



4       Committee Timetable



4.1   Letter from the Chair of the Local Government and Housing Committee

Business Committee agreed the request for an additional meeting slot.



4.2   Review of the committee timetable and committee remits

Business Committee considered the outcome of its consultation with committees and committee members on the committee timetable and remits, and proposed revisions to the committee timetable.  It was  agreed that the Chairs’ Forum should be consulted on the proposed timetable and the timescales for implementation at its meeting on 17 February. Business Managers also agreed to consult with their groups and to consider a final proposal after the half-term recess.  



5       Any Other Business


SLCM on the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill


At the proposal of the Trefnydd, Business Committee agreed to revise the reporting deadline for the Supplementary LCM on the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill from 3 March to 17 March.





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